The following scenarios show situations in client environments prior to our involvement, our work with the client, and results.

A healthcare provider decided to expand her business opportunities by forging new relationships with healthcare providers in allied but noncompetitive areas, but was uncertain as to the effectiveness of a direct mail campaign.

Working with the healthcare provider, Context Communication created three direct mail letters, each a single page targeted to one of the three allied healthcare areas. The letters emphasized what the client could provide to the other healthcare providers - and also mentioned what they might
be able to provide in return.

As the client continues to make follow-up phone calls,
the amount of new business has not yet been completely determined; however, the number of favorable responses to this direct mail campaign has exceeded 10 percent. [The expectation for direct mail response is usually 1 to 2 percent.]

As a bonus, one recipient - learning of the particular expertise of the client - has offered her a consulting opportunity in his practice.

A major hardware/software vendor was introducing a new, complex product, but still questioned the economic justification of sending staff to customer sites to train personnel on installation and use of the product.

Working with vendor software engineers, Context Communication wrote an installation and training manual so easy to read and comprehend that customers were able to install the product themselves, unassisted by vendor systems engineers.

The vendor saved the cost of sending systems engineers to customer sites for what became routine installation and training. One comment: "This is the first manual
from [vendor] that I'm able to understand…!"

A telecommunications service provider that emerged from corporate restructuring was faced with two seemingly insurmountable challenges.

One: The company needed to submit a complex proposal for products and services to a government in Asia and, because of circumstances beyond its control, had only one week to do so.

Two: Because the company had just been created, it appeared, erroneously, that it did not have the experience and the expertise to make a competitive bid.

Context Communication came in as project manager to coordinate production of the proposal. Context worked day
and night with a team of company senior engineers to bring together the information necessary to produce the proposal.

The proposal, crafted to present the new company in a way that emphasized its long-term experience and expertise was delivered to the foreign government by the deadline. The project exceeded expectations of company management.

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